Thursday, October 2, 2008

another thing i'm good at

i seem to have a knack for making people delete their online profiles. no joke.

last summer, in the midst of yet another unending office afternoon, i logged onto my friendster account for the first time in years. it was not exciting. however, i looked up a guy that i had dated for a couple months and sent him a message that amounted to "how are things?"

when i didn't hear back after 3 days, i decided to look and see if he had logged on (ah the "last login" feature on friendster, how i miss thee) and received my message. and what did i discover? he had fucking deleted his profile. my first thought was, "no no, that would be ridiculous," but i looked on all our mutual friends' pages and he was no longer friends with any of them. seriously. i'm apparently that scary and/or intimidating that instead of responding, or even just ignoring my message, he deleted his profile. DELETED IT.

the other day, cruising around facebook, i found another guy that i dated for like .2 seconds in new york (we made out once on the street and it was really really sloppy and he was a big raging fabulous fag so that ended that), and i thought, hey, why not, and requested him as my friend. i tried to find him today, and what do you know, but he's not there anymore. i'm thinking he probably blocked me or changed his name or something, but i mean, COME ON.

apparently not everyone thinks i am overfl/eoin with awesome.


midge said...

am i supposed to think that this is totally great? because i do.

speedyneedlefreeman said...

sorry too busy deleting my facebook profile to leave a comment...

j.sterling said...

LMFAO... i am SO doing this to you when you leave me one day and work somewhere else.