Wednesday, September 17, 2008


1) one of the cats i took care of this weekend is really really sick. potentially a fatal intestinal problem, or ... they don't know yet. holy crap.
2) has anyone noticed that the stock market exploded for the second straight day? and exploded in not the right direction?
3) i had an hour long battle with the copy machine this morning and it put me in the worst mood ever. while i won the battle, the fucking oil or lube or whatever the fuck they put on the machine got on my jeans and now they're stained.
4) i ran 7 miles and now my ankle and knees hurt and i can't stop eating candy that fucking jenn put in the kitchen.
5) i'm thinking about going to reno for the weekend before the election to get out the vote for obama. also, i am going to start phone banking for the opposition to prop 8.
6) wednesday.

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